Mapping with communities, international workshop
Are you passionate about community empowerment and GIScience?
Have you spotted a methodology to engage communities with mapping? Or, Is technology helping your community to produce or use geodata?
Share your experience “mapping with communities” at GIScience 2023 — The 12th International Conference on GIS — 12-15th September 2023 — Leeds, UK
Join us to discuss the emerging challenges of engaging communities with mapping and enhancing GIScience. Bring your approaches to participatory mapping (qual-, quant- mixed).
Come and help us shape fair, accountable and transparent mapping actions with communities. Let us write together and explore synergies around participatory mapping, citizen science, and the underpinning pieces of technology.
Our IDEAMAPS data ecosystem is inviting everyone to submit a contribution as an extended abstract up to 2500 words to by August 11, 2023.
We are committed to overcome common barriers to participation, therefore, we:
Looking forward to seeing you in Leeds!