IDEAMAPS Data Release
October 31, 2020
IDEAMAPS has begun to release pre-processed data for Accra (Ghana), and will begin to release datasets for Lagos (Nigeria) and Nairobi (Kenya) soon. The datasets can be used to model…
Dana R. Thomson

DEAMAPS has begun to release pre-processed data for Accra (Ghana), and will begin to release datasets for Lagos (Nigeria) and Nairobi (Kenya) soon. The datasets can be used to model the locations and characteristics of slums, informal settlements, and other deprived areas in these cities.

Data can be downloaded as individual files or by domain (theme) from our Data page.

Data are compiled from dozens of publicly available sources, as well as from members in the IDEAMAPS Network. Common sources of physical and environmental characterstics are included, as well as numerous sources of social-economic information at fine geographic scale which are often missing in slum modelling workflows. We aim to include as much data as possible for each domain of deprivation. We encourage modellers to learn more about our Domains of Deprivation Framework before using our data to improve their modelling workflow.

We generated city boudaries by overlaying multiple urban extent datasets including the Global Human Settlement Urban Centres boundaries and WorlPop Urban Extents, then added a 1 kilometre buffer.

Data are still being processed, and will continue to be added to the Data page periodically.

Stay Updated.

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