The second IDEAMAPS Lounge Webinar featured speakers from Estonia, Nigeria, and the US representing the government, academia, and non-profit sectors. Like our other webinars, speakers addressed the theme of “exchange” of data, knowledge, and trust among stakeholders. The focus of the discussion was especially centered on how to build trust among stakeholders in order to foster use of data in practice and decision-making.
Argie Kavvada, the Program Manager for SDGs at the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), spoke about the new SDG11 Toolkit initiative being co-designed members of the Earth Observation for the Sustainable Development Goals (EO4SDG) community. The SDG11 Toolkit will include a detailed inventory of Earth Observation datasets, tools, and platforms that can be used to understand and address urban poverty in the Global South.
Peter Elias, a Senior Lecturer in Geography at University of Lagos, has long been involved with slum mapping and upgrading initiatives in West Africa. He spoke about several initiatives to produce, catalogue, and apply open data across Africa including the CoData and SCiLeD projects.
Kadi Kent is on the board of Let’s Do It Foundation, a global civic organisation that started in Estonia which mobilises clean-up events worldwide and has developed innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to automatically detect and map trash from photographs and videos. She shared a webpage and video about the WADE trash detection algorithm applied in practice.